Osiris Framework  0.3
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 COApplicationThe Osiris Application base class
 COCameraClass that represents a camera on the scene
 COCameraControllerCamera control class
 COChronometerClass designed to measure time intervals
 CODoubleBufferDouble-buffer implementation
 COEventBase event class
 COExceptionOsiris exception class
 COFontFont handler
 COKeyboardPressEventClass for keyboard press events
 COMathPrimitiveTemplate class for the GLM-based classes in OMath
 COMatrix4x4Represents 4x4 matrices
 COMatrixStackMatrix stack class
 COMemoryPoolMemory pool implementation for special memory management
 COMemoryPoolEventOEvent class with special memory management
 COMemoryPoolObjectTemplate class for objects that use memory pools
 COMeshBase class that represents a group of vertices that together make a geometrical shape
 COMeshBufferTemplate class designed to handle OpenGL mesh buffers
 COMouseClickEventClass for mouse click events
 COObjectBase OsirisSDK class
 COQuaternionRepresents quaternions
 COResizeEventClass for window resize events
 COShaderObjectClass that represents a shader object that make up shader programs
 COShaderProgramClass that represents a shader program
 COStateControls object orientation and motion state
 COStateConstraintStores motion component minimum or maximum constraints
 COStatsTemplate class to handle statistical data
 COText2DTwo-dimensional text handling class
 COTimeIndexDeals with the elapsed simulation time
 COVector3Represents three-dimentional vectors
 COVector4Represents four-dimentional vectors
 COVertexColorMeshMesh class in which colors can be defined for each vertex
 COWavefrontObjectFileClass that parses an Waveffront Object file and loads vertex information on a OMesh class object